Sunday, 2 June 2013

Curvilinear Collection by Lauren Strong-Perrin

Hey ya'll
It's been too long, but I've been preparing my collection and now you get to see it! I'm proud that I have achieved this much in a short year and hope that everyone else enjoys it as much as I do!

My models are : Ellie Strong-Perrin (my sister) and Ellie B.

My inspiration for this collection was architecture. In my opinion it isn't very obvious. However it will become more obvious as I explain. My coat is my signature piece. The coat is actually created using curved seams which creates a bubble type shape. The curves also accentuate the womanly figure. I started to look at architecture that was created using curves, hence why my collection is called Curvilinear (consisting of or bounded by curved lines). I then went on to look at reflection as the surfaces of many buildings are created using glass and metal which has a reflection. This is how I developed my printed garment. It represents tiles, spectrums and glass. My inspiration for this print came from a piece of holographic fabric. 

I hope this gave you more insight into my inspiration and I hope you like it! Please let me know your thoughts!
Video to follow shortly

Love LSP